Before ritual we did a series of warrior games, which I was asked to judge. They were amusing and fun, but I don’t think anyone took them very seriously. We honored Lugh and Tailtiue as our primary invocations, as Tailtiue is the Grove’s patron deity, and Airmedd was our gatekeeper. This was the first ritual […]
Ritual: Mabon 2006
For our Mabon High Rite, our primary invocations were Mabon and Modron, with Elen as the Gatekeeper. I did not feel connected to this ritual, as I felt the chants were poorly done. However it was led by one of our teenage liturgists, and I felt she did a really awesome job. Nothing in particular […]
Ritual: Samhain 2007
Samhain is one of my favorite rituals, as I feel the most connected to the ancestors and to deity during this time. Our primary invocations were Iunium and Genii, as this was a roman style ritual, and the purpose was becoming good examples for our followers and admirers. This ritual was entirely too windy so […]
Ritual: Yule 2006
It has become a tradition over the last several years to do an all night vigil for Yule at CedarLight. It is also a tradition that this High Rite be strongly nordic based. We’ve generally started ritual at 12pm with the opening of the ritual, and then at 6pm opening the gates and leaving them […]
Ritual: Imbolc 2007
Imbolc is always the coldest ritual for me, as the earth has had all winter to chill and freeze. This year we personified Brigid in her three forms as our primary invocation with three members of the Grove. Might I add that Caryn looked particularly dashing in her nordic goddess attire with hammer and steel. […]
Ritual: Ostara 2007
The CedarLight Ostara 2007 ritual was a cold one. We honored The Alseids (The Land Nymphs) and the Hamadryads/Dryads (The Native Tree Nymphs) as our primary invocation. The omen was read by Will, who listened to the trees of the sanctuary to divine the message from the Gods. I don’t remember what the Omen was, […]
Ritual: Beltane 2007 (Thargelia)
The “Beltane” High Rite for CedarLight in 2007 was actually done in a Hellenistic style for a festival called Thargelia. Now even though Athena is my patron/matron/whatever, and has been since I was 12, I’ve never considered myself Hellenic. I enjoy reading about the mythology and even the culture, but that type of spirituality has […]
Ritual: Midsummer 2007
Our Midsummer ritual at CedarLight this year was based off of Shakespeare’s “Midsummer’s Nights Dream.” Spoken in true Shakespearean fashion, the lore of the season was displayed in romantic and dramatic allure. The omen was “William Ditlow Pierson, Souffle”, done in typical Will satire. Random people were asked to give a word of inspiration, and […]
High Days: Mabon
Mabon, also known as the Fall Equinox, is the second harvest festival in my mind, and the beginning of Autumn. It is the final reminder that we need to finish up projects and harvesting, and prepare for the onslaught of the upcoming winter. Like Ostara, it is another season of equilibrium, when the day and […]
High Days: Lughnasadh
Lughnasadh is the first of the harvest festivals, when my father and I begin to harvest corn, tomatoes, potatoes, and other such crops, and many breads are baked from harvested wheat. This is also the time of year in my family when we need to start canning/freezing food for the upcoming winter and preparing ourselves […]