Ritual: Lughnasadh 2006

Lughnasadh 2006Before ritual we did a series of warrior games, which I was asked to judge. They were amusing and fun, but I don’t think anyone took them very seriously. We honored Lugh and Tailtiue as our primary invocations, as Tailtiue is the Grove’s patron deity, and Airmedd was our gatekeeper. This was the first ritual organized by one of our newer members, Kat, and I felt she did a good job for her first run.

During the outsiders, we noticed that a patch of balloons had filled the sky from a nearby street festival, which I took pictures of because I thought it was amusing.

I felt slightly overwhelmed this ritual with tasks to do. Being responsible for pictures, drumming, guestbook, songs before and after ritual, etc.

(Word Count: 127)

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