Discuss the meaning of confidential privilege, the laws in your state that provide for this privilege and the extent to which it applies to clergy-lay communications in your community. (200 words minimum) The meaning of confidential privilege, or commonly known as penitent privilege, is the practice of protecting the substance shared between a clergy-person and the […]
Ethics 1, #6
Discuss the importance of ethics to the clergy-lay relationship. Do you believe a clergy person has ethical responsibilities? If so, what are these responsibilities? (300 words minimum) The importance of ethics to the clergy-lay relationship is the ability to know right from wrong, as well as appropriate responses to individual needs. Anyone who is a representative […]
Ethics 1, #5
Discuss how an individual’s values relate to the decisionmaking process. (100 words minimum) Values are a type of ethic or “code” that are set on a more personal level than morals. Morals are more generic and all-encompassing of humanity, whereas values are something we develop individually based off our own personal beliefs and experiences in […]
Ethics 1, #4
Describe several reasons why an individual would strive to “do the right thing”? (100 words minimum) “Doing the right thing” is the very basis of what humanity and spirituality is about. As spiritual individuals, or even as Druids, our purpose is to serve. Whether this is serving the Shining Ones, the Nature Spirits, or the […]
Ethics 1, #3
Discuss how an individual learns to determine right from wrong and explain the factors that influence this determination? (100 words minimum) Learning right from wrong is a very convoluted process that starts at birth. There are so many outside factors that influence and determine our initial mindset, from parents to peers at school and eventually […]
Ethics 1, #2
Self-awareness is key to the implementation of professional ethics. Discuss how your personal morals, values, bias and ability to maintain adequate boundaries, confidentiality and determine right from wrong might both positively and negatively impact your professional relationships. (200 words minimum) In any kind of leadership position we are required to maintain certain levels of boundaries […]
Ethics 1, #1
Find and provide an appropriate definition, discuss your understanding, and provide illustrative examples for each of the following seven terms: morals, values, personalbias, professional boundaries, confidentiality, right and wrong (100 words each minimum, not including definitions) Morals Definition: of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between […]
Liturgy 1 Passes
Dear Rev. Crystal Groves (Crystal Groves), Congratulations! Your Liturgy 1 submission passes. Three things of note: 1) In MLA, you don’t have a comma between the author’s name and the page number in in-line citations. You do that a couple of times. 2) You mention in Q5 that the well is rooted in Celtic stuff, […]
Liturgy 1 Citations
Bonewits, Philip Emmons Isaac. “Defining Our Terms: Ritual and Rite.” Rites of Worship: a Neopagan Approach. [Miami, Fla.]: Earth Religions, 2003. 29. Print. ADF. “The Druid’s Cosmos.” The Druid’s Cosmos. ADF. Web. 1 Jan. 2012. <http://www.adf.org/members/training/dp/dp-manual-web/01-druids-cosmos.html#adf%20cosmology%20and%20sacrifice>. Serith, Ceisiwr. “Composing Prayers.” A Book of Pagan Prayer. Boston, MA: Weiser, 2002. 47-49. Print.
Liturgy 1, #7
Describe the concepts of 1) the Center and 2) the Gates in ADF’s Core Order of Ritual, including two cultural variations of each concept. (minimum 300 words) The idea of the “Center” is the alignment of the cosmos through the vertical and horizontal axis. With heavy Celtic influence, when the Upperworld of the Gods, the Middleworld […]