Liturgical Writing 1, #2

Create a prayer of praise, offering, or thanksgiving to a deity modeled on a mythic, folkloric, or other literary source of at least 75 words. Include a summary of what your sources were and how you utilized them (summary at least 150 words).

Invocation to Frigga:
(Used Mabon 2013 that I led)

Lady Frigga, Queen of the Aesir and Wife of Odin

Protector of marriage and childbirth and Lady of the Marsh

You are the keeper of the home and those that tend the hearth fires

You and you alone can rival Odin in his wisdom, and like all good women, you may secretly be in charge, although he may not know it

From the deepest wells of knowledge, all-knowingFrigga, there is no tongue in which to tell, of all that is and that shall be

It is through your influence of love and divination that you help us keep our mundane lives in line with the spiritual.

Teach us what wisdom lies beyond the words of men.

Hail Frigga, Queen of Asgard!

This was then accompanied by a song to Frigga that was filched.


I’ve been working on teaching myself more of the Northern Lore, which is vast in its entirety, so resources are still being worked on in general.  Some knowledge through my work with the Great Valley Kindred in Hagerstown, MD has just been established over time.  A large portion of most Northern Lore obviously comes from the Edda’s, two pieces here which I reference from the Prose Edda by Sturluson.

Sturluson (Prose Edda) mentions in the beginning of the Prose Edda, Gylfaginning, which depicts the creation of the Norse Gods, that Frigga is seen as the Queen of the Aesir. Again this is common knowledge in the Heathen community, but this is a main source from where that knowledge comes from.  In the second part of the Prose Edda, the Skáldskaparmál, Sturluson quotes: “She will tell no fortunes, yet she knows the fate of men”. Frigga is shown here to have a deep knowledge of divination and prophecy, but she never reveals it.  This also lends to the thought process that Frigga rivals Odin in his wisdom, but also that perhaps she is a Goddess with more power than Odin thinks.  But again, since she does not reveal, it’s common sense to believe that she allows Odin to feel he is the big head honcho 🙂

Additional reference (Lindow) explains Frigga’s hall as Fensalir, otherwise known as “Marsh Halls”, hence the Lady of the Marsh.

In general, my invocations cover the most well known traits of deities with my own personal flare.  Since I base most of my choice on the Deities of the Occasion with the prayer I hope to accomplish as well as the season, this creates my “sacred trine” of ritual foundation that links the inner workings of the ritual together.  It’s something I’ve regularly instilled in all of my rites.   I suppose I should call it the “Trine of Ritual Foundation” to make it sound all official or something.

For example, Frigga is a diety very much associated with organization within the home, and what I like to affiliate as “personal responsibility”.  During this Mabon Rite, I really wanted to emphasize personal responsibility as it was our yearly “Thanksgiving Rite” where we wanted to give recognition for all the hard work done over the last year.  In addition, our prayer was to “Invigorate our Work”, and since Frigga is very much about hard work and taking care of your business, it was appropriate to honor her in a Rite dedicated to recognition, giving thanks, and invigorating us for the year to come.

(Word Count: Prayer: 182, Summary: 425)

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