ADF Structure, Customs, and Policy Citations

Bonewits, Philip Emmons Isaac. “Chapter 7, Ár NDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship.”Bonewit’s Essential Guide to Druidism. New York, NY: Kensington Pub., 2006. 108-09. Print. Dangler, Michael J. “Where’s the Belief? Piety in the DP.” Ár NDraíocht Féin. Ár NDraíocht Féin, n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2012. <>. Dangler, Michael J. “Nine Central Tenets of Druidic Ritual.” Ár NDraíocht […]

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Law and Church Works Cited

“TITLE 42 JUDICIARY AND JUDICIAL PROCEDURE § 5943 Confidential Communications to Clergymen.” The Pennsylvania General Assembly. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. <>. “TITLE 42 JUDICIARY AND JUDICIAL PROCEDURE SUBCHAPTER B. § 6311 Persons Required to Report Suspected Child Abuse.” The Pennsylvania General Assembly. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. <>. TITLE 23 DOMESTIC RELATIONS 1503. Persons […]

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Law and the Church, #11

What are the regulations and options for prison ministry in your county and state? From a state level, the prison ministry regulations I’ve found are as follows: PA Chapter 95 Law in regards to County Correction Institutions § 95.237. Religion says that the follow are minimum requirements applicable to religion in correctional facilities (CHAPTER 95. COUNTY […]

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Law and the Church, #8

What is the difference between pastoral counseling and other kinds of counseling, and does the law differentiate between these types? What sort of license do you require in your state in order to perform counseling of any type? Does divination fall into this sort of counseling? The difference between pastoral counseling and other kinds of […]

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