Ethics 2: #2 Problem Solving Process

Identify, list and briefly explain the steps to a “Problem Solving Process.” Process steps may vary in style depending on student preference and source. (minimum 100 words each step; citation of source for process required)

The “Problem Solving Process,” as explained by Hari Srinivas, consists of six main steps, each of which plays a crucial role in addressing and resolving problems:

Problem Definition: This initial stage involves clearly defining the problem you aim to solve. By articulating the problem, you force yourself to think about what you’re truly attempting to address and the extent of your desired achievement. Is the problem just an idea in our heads or an actual issue? It also involves checking that the right problem is being addressed and not just a side issue or the easiest part of the problem?.

Problem Analysis: This stage involves understanding the current situation and what makes it problematic. It includes assessing the benefits of the current status quo, its origins, and how it fits with ongoing developments. Recognizing the current environment is crucial for determining whether a solution will actually work. It’s also important to establish a set of criteria by which to evaluate any new solutions; otherwise, it becomes difficult to determine if an idea is feasible.

Generating Possible Solutions: Once the actual problem is identified and its context understood, the next step involves generating a multitude of potential solutions. At this stage, it’s important not to immediately evaluate the solutions. Instead, each idea should be considered as new and worthy of consideration, regardless of any initial judgments?.

Analyzing the Solutions: In this stage, the various factors of each potential solution are investigated. This involves noting down the good and bad points and other things relevant to each solution. It’s important not to evaluate the solution at this stage, as it could prevent valid points from being written down. Instead, this stage aims to uncover unique advantages that could make an idea worth developing.

Selecting the Best Solution(s): This stage involves going through the various influencing factors for each possible solution and deciding which ones to keep and which to disregard. The decision should be based on a combination of things such as facts, figures, feelings, and intuition. The selected solution(s) represents the best compromise between all the evaluated factors?.

Planning the Next Course of Action (Next Steps): The final stage involves planning how to implement the chosen solution. Choosing who will perform the necessary duties, when they will be completed, and how they will be performed is part of this step. The aim is to ensure that the valuable thinking that has gone into solving the problem becomes reality??.


  • Srinivas, Hari. “The Problem Solving Process.” The Global Development Research Center.

(Word Count: 407)

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