ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #1

Explain why public, inclusive ritual is important to ADF. (200 words min.)

Public, inclusive ritual is important to ADF because it allows us to exercise our freedom to practice which in turn exposes our spirituality to the public in a non-threatening manner. Theoretically this will bring in not only new blood to the practice, but also educate and provide understanding to those that are unfamiliar with what we do.  Public ritual allows us to establish in main stream society through repetition and openness.  When we eventually become an accepted public religion, then the more we actually have a voice in politics and environmental policy.  We can help shape future policies that affect our children’s future, the direction our country is headed, and the future of religious prosecution that is rampant in America.

There are a lot of people, my mother included, that are very ignorant to the facts about druidism or neo-paganism in general.  They are fed lies and stereotypes from movies, fiction, and alarmist Christians which unfortunately is imbedded in a lot of the public mind. We continue to fight against these stereotypes on a daily basis as we try to practice openly and within our rights.

If we tried to stay a closed private religion, these types of labels would remain simply because there’s no one actually educating them with factual information.  Instead they are encouraged to believe whatever someone else wants them to believe.

(Word Count: 225)

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