Using one of the three methods described in requirement 6, describe in depth a single experience you had while in the trance state from an experiential point of view (i.e. what did you feel, see, sense, etc.). (min. 300 words) One of the coolest trances I ever experienced was at our old farm, where I […]
Trance 1, #6
Identify and explain three methods of attaining a trance state. (min. 150 words per method) The number one method of attaining a trance state for me is through drumming (or rhythm). Rhythm allows you to latch onto a “heart beat” of sorts and maintain a consistent and expected state that then allows the rest of […]
Trance 1: #4
Identify and describe three instances where trance is found in ancient Indo-European cultures. (min. 150 words each instance) Three cultures that had historical notations of trance-like work in the Indo-European cultures are the Norse, the Hellenic, and the Irish cultures. Shared throughout the Greek and Roman cultures, one example we have that shows trance-like historical connotations are […]
Trance 1: #5
Describe three ways trance can be used in personal spiritual practice. (min. 100 words each) One basic way to use Trance in personal spiritual practice is through meditation. This requires an internal focus to quiet your thoughts and mind, and focus on being still and silent in a reflective moment. Meditation is something I have […]
Trance 1: #3
Describe the ethical issues surrounding neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis. (min. 150 words) C. Roy Hunter gives a very good encompassing and appropriate simple defining rule to ethics in hypnosis: Do for the client what you would want done if the roles were reversed. This pretty much wedges perfectly in the type of ethics in ADF […]
Trance 1: #2
Give a brief history of hypnosis. (min. 300 words) The technique of hypnosis has been around for thousands of years, the earliest records dating back to ancient Egypt and China. Ancient Greece has remnants of a temple of Asklepios dedicated to a healing God as a sleep healing temple. The purpose of this temple […]
Trance 1: #1
Define the following terms in your own words: “Trance,” “meditation,” and “hypnosis.” (min. 25 words per definition, dictionary definition does not count toward final word count.) Trance Dictionary Definition from Merriam: noun, a sleeplike state (as of deep hypnosis) usually characterized by partly suspended animation with diminished or absent sensory and motor activity Trance (to […]
Indo-European Studies 1: #5
From its beginnings, ADF has defined itself in relation to Indo-European pagan traditions. What relevance do you think historical and reconstructed IE traditions from the past have in constructing or reconstructing a Pagan spirituality for the present and future? (minimum 600 words) What ADF is trying to create is a much needed thing in the […]
Indo-European Studies 1: Citations
Dume?zil, Georges. Gods of the Ancient Northmen. Berkeley: U of California, 1973. Print. Littleton, C. Scott. The New Comparative Mythology: An Anthropological Assessment of the Theories of Georges Dume?zil. Berkeley: U of California, 1982. Print. Fortson, Benjamin W. Indo-european Language and Culture: An Introduction. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Print. Mallory, J. P. In Search of […]
Indo European Studies 1: #4
Choose one other Indo-European culture and compare and contrast it to the culture discussed in question 3 above with respect to each culture’s Indo-European nature. (minimum 300 words) Fortson uses a lot of Greek examples to compare IE culture requirements, so in comparison with the northern traditions, we can find a lot of similar IE […]