How do laws of your nation, state, or local area respond to Paganism and Neo-Pagan clergy? Are there laws that prohibit certain functions our clergy usually serve (such as divination, counseling, or conducting marriages or funerals)? Does your country implicitly or explicitly state that Neo-Pagans cannot have clergy, or that they cannot perform certain functions […]
Law and the Church, #4
List nine (9) laws concerning clergy that you have found by searching your national laws. The Code of Federal Regulations and the website list several laws concerning clergy on a national level. 1. § 404.1023. Ministers of churches and members of religious orders. A minister is working in the exercise of the ministry when he […]
Law and the Church, #3
List nine (9) laws concerning clergy that you have found by searching your state/provincial laws. 1. Confidential Communications Clergy within the state of Pennsylvania are protected under state law for Judiciary and Judicial Procedure § 5943 (TITLE 42 JUDICIARY AND JUDICIAL PROCEDURE § 5943 Confidential Communications to Clergymen.) which states that: No clergyman, priest, rabbi or minister […]
Law and the Church, #2
If there is a body of laws between the municipality laws and the state/provincial laws where you live, list nine (9) laws, or as many as possible if less than nine, concerning clergy, that you have found by searching this area. As stated in Laws in the Church #1, the Solicitor for Adams County I […]
Law and the Church, #1
List nine (9) laws, or as many as possible if less than nine, concerning clergy that you have found by searching your nearest municipality laws. By municipality, we mean on the village or town level. If there are none, then tell us how you found that out. When emailing my local township, Straban, I was […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #9
Describe why we make Praise Offerings, how they are made, when they are made, and who they are made to. Be sure to describe this in both solitary practice and in two or more Groves’ practices. (300 words min.) In ADF, we make Praise Offerings for a couple different reasons. The first and foremost is […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #7
Describe ADF’s utilization of Dumezil’s “tripartition” and its affect on ADF’s structure, study programs, and the religion of ADF members in general. (200 words min.) ADF’s utilization of Dumezil’s “tripartition” to me is fairly insignificant. Clearly it was an inspiration for developing certain guilds and groups within ADF, but by no means do I see […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #6
Compare Isaac’s original “Law, Policy, Tradition, and Customs in ADF” article with how you see ADF today. Describe what is still true and what is no longer accurate in that document. (300 words min.) Reading over Isaac Bonewits original “Law, Policy, Tradition, and Customs within ADF”, I have to say that a lot of what […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #5
Describe ADF’s official ceremonial calendar, and discuss why it was designed in this way. (200 words min.) ADF’s official ceremonial calendar was adopted to integrate well with the early Neo-Pagan movement combining several Indo-European observances. This particular calendar is distributed equally across the year, so it works well to keep a balance of observed High […]
Ethics #1 Passes
The status of the Rev. Crystal Groves (Crystal Groves)’s Ethics 1 submission has been changed from In Review to Approved. This change was made by Rev. Michael Dangler at 2012-09-19T13:05:56-06:00.