Bonewits, Philip Emmons Isaac. “Chapter 7, Ár NDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship.”Bonewit’s Essential Guide to Druidism. New York, NY: Kensington Pub., 2006. 108-09. Print. Dangler, Michael J. “Where’s the Belief? Piety in the DP.” Ár NDraíocht Féin. Ár NDraíocht Féin, n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2012. <>. Dangler, Michael J. “Nine Central Tenets of Druidic Ritual.” Ár NDraíocht […]
Category: ADF Structure, Customs and Policies
The scope of the ADF Structure, Customs, and Policy course involves current and historical influences on what we do in ADF and how we do it. The primary objective of the course is to promote an understanding of how ADF works internally, why certain choices were made in the founding and development of ADF, and the purposes behind some of our subgroups and the rules and traditions governing them.
ADF Customs Passes
Dear Rev. Crystal Groves (Crystal Groves), Congratulations! Your ADF Structure, Customs and Policy submission passes. Figured this one wouldn’t be too hard for ya Blessings, Rev. Michael Dangler
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #9
Describe why we make Praise Offerings, how they are made, when they are made, and who they are made to. Be sure to describe this in both solitary practice and in two or more Groves’ practices. (300 words min.) In ADF, we make Praise Offerings for a couple different reasons. The first and foremost is […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #7
Describe ADF’s utilization of Dumezil’s “tripartition” and its affect on ADF’s structure, study programs, and the religion of ADF members in general. (200 words min.) ADF’s utilization of Dumezil’s “tripartition” to me is fairly insignificant. Clearly it was an inspiration for developing certain guilds and groups within ADF, but by no means do I see […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #6
Compare Isaac’s original “Law, Policy, Tradition, and Customs in ADF” article with how you see ADF today. Describe what is still true and what is no longer accurate in that document. (300 words min.) Reading over Isaac Bonewits original “Law, Policy, Tradition, and Customs within ADF”, I have to say that a lot of what […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #5
Describe ADF’s official ceremonial calendar, and discuss why it was designed in this way. (200 words min.) ADF’s official ceremonial calendar was adopted to integrate well with the early Neo-Pagan movement combining several Indo-European observances. This particular calendar is distributed equally across the year, so it works well to keep a balance of observed High […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #4
Describe the Guilds, SIGS, and Kins of ADF in general, their function within the organization, and the goal of the Guild, SIG, and Kin systems. (150 words min. for each type of subgroup) ADF has several functioning groups that serve several purposes and interests for its members. Guilds in particular are developed for sharing knowledge and teaching […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #8
Explain the difference between “orthopraxy” religions and “orthodoxy”. Where do you feel ADF falls? (200 words min.) The difference between “orthopraxy” and “orthodoxy” religion is that orthopraxy is the concept of correct action/activity, whereas orthodoxy is the concept of correct belief. The root of both words, “ortho-“, is from the Greek orthos, which means “true […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #3
Explain why ADF has an Indo-European focus, and why we use the term “Druid” in our name. (200 words min.) ADF has an Indo-European focus because back in the 1980’s when Isaac Bonewits originally tossed around the idea of forming ADF, the letter he sent out to colleagues to rally support for this new idea […]
ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #10
Describe ADF’s administrative structure. (150 words min.) ADF’s administrative structure consists of different boards and committees that offer very different functions from each other. The Board of Directors, also known as “The Mother Grove” consists of the Archdruid, the Vice Archdruid, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Members Advocate, Chief of the Council of Seniro Druids, […]