ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #8

Explain the difference between “orthopraxy” religions and “orthodoxy”. Where do you feel ADF falls? (200 words min.) The difference between “orthopraxy” and “orthodoxy” religion is that orthopraxy is the concept of correct action/activity, whereas orthodoxy is the concept of  correct belief.  The root of both words, “ortho-“, is from the Greek orthos, which means “true […]

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ADF Structure, Customs, and Policies, #10

Describe ADF’s administrative structure. (150 words min.) ADF’s administrative structure consists of different boards and committees that offer very different functions from each other.  The Board of Directors, also known as “The Mother Grove” consists of the Archdruid, the Vice Archdruid, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Members Advocate, Chief of the Council of Seniro Druids, […]

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Ethics #1 Works Cited

“Certain Privileges and Immunities.” Table of Contents, Title 42, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure. Pennsylvania General Assembly, n.d. Web. 22 Aug. 2012. <>. “Priest-penitent Privilege.” Priest-penitent Privilege. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 22 Aug. 2012. <>. Thompson, Keith A. “Chapter 9, Religious Confession Privilege in the United States.”Religious Confession Privilege and the Common Law. Vol. 9. The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, […]

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Ethics 1, #10

The Nine Virtues described in the ADF Dedicant Path are proposed as a starting point for individuals embracing a value system inspired by traditions of the past. Utilizing the ADF nine virtues, develop a Code of Ethics for your use as ADF Clergy. Describe how you derived this code from the Nine Virtues and how […]

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Ethics 1, #9

Compare and contrast the Nine Virtues described in the ADF Dedicant Path and prominent values in the dominant culture of the country in which you live. (200 words minimum) The nine virtues in ADF act as a set of core values that I can practice as an American and as ADF clergy. These virtues are […]

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Ethics 1, #8

One of the main principles of ethics is to “do no harm”. Discuss the meaningof this principle as it applies to the clergy-lay relationship. (100 words minimum) The meaning of the principle of “do no harm” as it applies to the clergy-lay relationship is to conduct clergical actions in a way that does not affect […]

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