Divination 1, #5

Briefly describe the symbology of your chosen method of divination, and include a method of application for that system. (minimum 100 words overall description plus at least one sentence or line per symbol)

The runic alphabet is just that, an alphabet that was used for both language and magic.  It consisted of straight lines in a set pattern for the symbology.  These were carved into several types of materials, but mainly wood, which meant a lot of sets rotted over time.  The Elder Futhark is the main system that I use right now, which consists of 24 characters.  There is also the Younger Futhark, which has a few less characters, and the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, which has 33 symbols, but all three are very similar in design.

In ritual, I’ve mostly seen runes drawn in groups of three, which is also what I normally do.  If there is a need for clarification, additional runes are drawn to help understand the pattern or statement sent through the divination.  They are typically cast on a white cloth (Thorsson, 13) or white fur (I like fur, just feels awesome), and carved into various trinkets, pendants, and such for a particular purpose in mind.  Such as Raidho carved into a necklace for travel or Algiz into a drinking horn for protection.  Candles are often also carved with runes in order to burn them towards a specific prayer or purpose.

(Word Count: 201)

Elder Futhark:

Fehu  Wealth (Cattle). Originating from the English word “fee”, but originally meant livestock as a manner of wealth in a cattle culture.
Uruz  Aurochs (Wild Ox). Wild primal cow that symbolizes the strength of the fighting spirit that helps manifest.
Thurisaz  Thorn of Thor. Shaped like a thorn on a vine, Thurisaz represents Divine Power or catalytic force that helps assist or prepare for the upcoming changes.
Ansuz  God Mouth (Communication).  Inspiration for communicating through wisdom.
Raidho  Cart Journey (Transportation). A rune of travel or movement.  Counsel and negotiation or the movement of events or just physical movement.
Kenaz  Divine Fire or Torch.  Controlled fire, perhaps destruction for growth.  Inspiration and revealing truth and clarity through light.
Gebo  Gift.  An equal exchange of energy.  Generosity and Luck and *Ghosti.
Wunjo  Joy.  The joining of folk through joy and bliss.  Harmony in community.
Hagalaz  Hailstorm.  Transformation and change through the storm.
Naudhiz  Necessity.  The needfire or friction of opportunity for change and growth.
Isa  Primal Ice.  Frozen stillness that may eventually defrost but for now this is a cooling off time of solidarity.
Jera  The Harvest.  Right reward and cause & effect.  Transformation and Balance throughout the year.
Eihwaz  The Yew Tree. Representative of a state of transition, connection, or relationship between poles in the center of all worlds.
Perthro  Cup or Game Piece.  Chance or change, perhaps fate and forces already in motion. Unexpectations.
Elhaz/Algiz  Elk (Protection).  Could also mean “man”.
Sowilo  Sun (Solar Wheel).  A healing light or light of clarification.  Guidance through light.
Tiwaz  Victory (Justice). Could also represent truth or self-sacrifice to attain justice.
Berkano  Birch Tree.  A rite of passage, or a cycle of rebirth or new growth.  The figure of the women and her nourishment through birth.
Ehwaz  Holy Horse.  Partnership and cooperation.  Could also mean travel or change.
Mannaz  Man.  Human condition or inner introspect.
Laguz  Life Lake. Passing through the waters to purify.
Ingwaz  Ing (Freyr).  A gestation period, time of reflection to allow the seeds to grow.  Transformation after fertility.
Dagaz  Dawn & Growth. Positive comings, the light at the end of the tunnel.
Othala  Ancestry.   The tribe or community home and environment.

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