Explain the difference between “orthopraxy” religions and “orthodoxy”. Where do you feel ADF falls? (200 words min.)
The difference between “orthopraxy” and “orthodoxy” religion is that orthopraxy is the concept of correct action/activity, whereas orthodoxy is the concept of correct belief. The root of both words, “ortho-“, is from the Greek orthos, which means “true or correct”. The difference lies in the secondary portions, “-doxy” which in the Greek tongue means “praise” and “-praxis”, which in the Greek language means “practice” (note the similarity in tone). So Ortho-doxy is “true praise”, while Ortho-praxy is “true practice”.
Essentially orthopraxy emphasizes conduct in an ethical or liturgical sense, and orthodoxy focuses on blind faith. In more specific detail, orthopraxy is the method in which we as Druids assume or feel our practices work for us. We’re not told that these things have to be done exactly a certain way or that we absolutely have to belief in this or we’re wrong, which would be a method of orthodoxy. Instead what makes us function as a religion is what we do as an organization rather than our particular beliefs, which vary considerably, especially due to the various cultures in which ADF encompasses.
ADF itself is an orthopraxic religion in that we’re not told what to believe, which would be impossible anyway again due to the mass of cultural influences throughout the organization. Our spiritual core centers around our practices and the art of doing, not all of us having the exact same beliefs, as it is unnecessary.
(Word Count: 237)