Explain where your household garbage ends up and what recycling is available in your area? (minimum 100 words) I use IESI trash service for my area, which delivers all garbage for this area to the Blue Ridge Landfill located on Orchard Rd. in Scotland, PA. It has a long list of clients from around the […]
Category: Nature Awareness
Nature Awareness is an introduction to how people fit into and interact with the land and Nature Spirits around them. It introduces students to the spirits that inhabit the very land we walk on and gives them an introductory understanding of the nature of those spirits. It will also help students achieve a more holistic perception if the universe in which we live and participate. The course includes a brief look into traditional Indo-European views of environment (social customs, ritual customs, or other areas of student interest) and how such views are continued in today’s society. Students will become more aware of major environmental concerns in their immediate areas.
Nature Awareness #3
Describe the park or patch of untended nature closest to your home and what kind of park it is. (minimum 100 words) The closest untended patch of nature to me is my back-yard, or along the edge of it. Behind my house is an undeveloped set of acreage probably a square-mile in size with gentle […]
Nature Awareness #4
(Explain where your household water comes from; what waterway is nearest to your home, and where its source is; where it drains; if there are any large bodies of water (lakes, ocean) near your home; what you know about the quality of water in your region; and what the major concerns in your area regarding […]