Nature Awareness #11

Based on your experiences, meditations, and research, describe what, in your opinion, makes a place seem “natural.” (minimum 100 words) A place defined as natural is one well-tended, or left wild that is in sync with its natural self. I tend to find the more untouched areas as natural in their original state, but big […]

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Nature Awareness #10

Identify one plant or animal species which was introduced to your area and explain how its introduction and continued presence has affected the local ecology and what, if any, steps are being taken to mitigate those effects. (minimum 100 words) In the summer of 2010 I started noticing big bright purple boxes being hung on […]

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Nature Awareness #8

Name and provide the following information for each of three species of animals (birds, mammals, insects, fish, etc.) and three species of plants native to and currently found in your area: 1. Its status (endangered, threatened, thriving, overpopulated) 2. A brief physical description of the species, noting if you have seen it, and where. 3. […]

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Nature Awareness #6

Briefly describe the major sources of air and water pollution in your area, what the biggest source of pollution in your area is, and what impact it has. (minimum 100 words) One of the challenges in interpreting what the biggest threat of pollution in my area is, is the biggest source may not pose the […]

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Nature Awareness #5

Explain where your household garbage ends up and what recycling is available in your area? (minimum 100 words) I use IESI trash service for my area, which delivers all garbage for this area to the Blue Ridge Landfill located on Orchard Rd. in Scotland, PA. It has a long list of clients from around the […]

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Nature Awareness #3

Describe the park or patch of untended nature closest to your home and what kind of park it is. (minimum 100 words) The closest untended patch of nature to me is my back-yard, or along the edge of it. Behind my house is an undeveloped set of acreage probably a square-mile in size with gentle […]

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